Grape Dosi x Jersey Juice


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Grape Dosi x Jersey Juice

The cross between Grape Dosi and Jersey Juice results in a strain that seamlessly blends the best of both parents: the rich, fermented berry blends of Grape Dosi with the sweet, tropical punch of Jersey Juice. This combination creates a symphony of flavors that’s both intoxicating and invigorating.

Flower Time: 55-65 days, a suitable period for the flavors to meld and mature into a complex bouquet.

Profile Description: Enjoy the intricate layering of peach mango fruit chews, deep earthy notes, and fermented berry blends. This strain offers a multifaceted flavor journey that tantalizes the palate with every hit.

Use Case: Ideal for flower, hash, and rosin production, this strain’s rich terpene profile ensures a versatile and satisfying experience across various consumption methods.


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